The Exceptional Women Awardees Foundation (EWA) announces the selection of Joanna Massey as a Fall 2022 EWA Awardee and congratulates her on the recent appointment as Lead Director of KULR Technology Group, Inc.
As the newly appointed Lead Director, Dr. Massey will undertake certain responsibilities currently handled by KULR’s Chairman & CEO, thereby enhancing the company’s corporate governance practices and allowing for more efficiencies in both the Board of Directors and CEO roles. With over 30 years of experience advising Chairmen and CEOs, and a corporate communications background, Dr. Massey is well positioned to serve in this role.
“Congratulations to Joanna on her appointment as Lead Director! Only 7 percent of NYSE listed companies have a female chair or Lead Director, so we are thrilled for her!” said Larraine Segil, Chair and CEO of EWA. “We are delighted to accept Joanna into the 2022 Fall Cohort. We know she will contribute significant knowledge to our sisterhood.”
“As I reached the pinnacle of corporate America serving as a public company director, and now as a Lead Director, I realized how few women there are in these positions to provide mentorship and a helping hand,” said Dr. Massey. “I am honored to have been selected as an Exceptional Women Awardee and grateful to benefit from this incredible community of powerful women who are dedicated to guiding each other, lending their contacts, and providing moral support.”

Joanna Massey, Lead Director, KURL Technology Group, Inc.
As a PhD in psychology and former C-level communications executive at Fortune 500 companies, Dr. Massey helps micro-cap and small and mid-cap companies grow revenue and expand market share by advising about corporate governance, managing change, and navigating risk around environmental and social issues. She has advised top leaders during the most challenging times, including major crises, whistleblower complaints, and public-facing lawsuits.
Dr. Massey managed integration during major M&A transactions at Lionsgate, CBS, and Discovery; corporate turnaround as Condé Nast pivoted from print to video; and crisis communications with consumers, employees, investors, regulators, and politicians. With international experience, Dr. Massey has worked with partners in Europe, the UK, China, and India.
In her board roles for public and private companies, Dr. Massey serves as Chair of Nominations & Governance, and also sits on the Audit, Compensation and M&A Committees.
The Exceptional Women Awardees Foundation (EWA) is an invitation only peer mentorship organization where high-potential, high-level Exceptional Women from across multiple industries are hand-selected and invested in, to grow, learn, share, and succeed. In addition to the achievement of significant success, the criteria for acceptance include character traits that are defining of the EWA Culture – Kindness, the Spirit of Generosity, Transparency, Gratitude and Willingness to Share their Networks. The Foundation is a powerhouse of peer-to-peer mentoring that provides guidance, deep connection, and leadership, propelling each woman to sustainable success - one woman at a time. The year-long program enables each Awardee to be connected as alumnae for life in the ever-expanding EWA global network, as their fellow women leaders continue to move into positions of significance. Learn more at